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Home News Japanese style for interior design features

Japanese style for interior design features

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When your child grew up and the bears or clowns on the walls no longer carry him away as before, it’s time to start repairs, in no longer a children’s, but also not an adult room. In the case of a room for a teenager, you need to be able to fulfill his wishes at the same time, but also take into account that at this age the tastes sharply and often change, sometimes to completely opposite.

Therefore, preference should be given to some universal, or neutral interior. Such a room design can easily be changed by rearranging furniture or filling the room with accessories.

Fashionable Japanese style today is the best suited for a teenager’s room. A feature of this style is extreme minimalism, laconic forms, a minimum of furniture create the impression of space and freedom in the room, which is especially important for young people.

It is worthwhile to approach the choice of flowers for decorating a room in a Japanese style. In this style, the choice of a coloristic solution should have its meaning. You can use traditional achievements, or you can develop your own design. Cold lemon-yellow tones in combination with silver-gray can be very suitable for decorating a teenage room. If such a combination seems too claimed to you, you can replace silver with a soft beige. This solution will give the interior a cheerful shade.

Furniture for such an interior should also choose the appropriate.  Suitable in this case will be furniture of simple shapes, light, occupying a minimum of space. The bottom of the fundamental concepts in Japanese design -“vabi” in translation into Russian means “harmony of simplicity”, one of the basic principles -“sabi” means naturalness, and involves the use of natural materials.

As in any other in the Japanese interior, accessories play an important role. Widely applicable in this style of fans, a variety of vases, swords, other objects in a brightly exposed Japanese style. Can be applied to the walls of a pair of hieroglyphs. In accessories, as in the whole in the Japanese style, the main laconicism and simplicity, one should not forget about it.

Another acceptable option for a teenager’s room is the Hai-Tex style. This style is different from the already chosen amyan of the Japanese style. He is also inherent in laconicism, but it is more metal, heavy, brutal.

For a teenager’s room, as for any other, you can apply a classic style. It will suit you perfectly if you are tired of ultramoded currents, constructive minimalism.

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