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Home News Russian bath how to competently build a foundation

Russian bath how to competently build a foundation

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Only in the Russian bath can you relax both with soul and body, especially after worries in the country site. But how to invite friends and take a new bathhouse, where the walls still smell like a tree. You don’t have a bathhouse in a summer cottage? Fortunately, this can be fixed. After all, building a bathhouse is much easier than a house.

When you determine the place for the future bath, remember that the distance between neighboring houses or outbuildings should be at least eight meters. Usually the windows of the baths take to the west. It is believed that the rays of the setting sun create a feeling of peace when they fill the bathhouse and the dressing room.

If the summer cottage is located next to the reservoir, then you can build a bathhouse nearby. To exclude the possibility of flooding in the flood season, it is better to place the building no closer than 10 meters from the lake or river. If the site is located next to the road, then the bath is better to put on the other side of the site.

The entrance to the bath can be made unusual, for example, in the form of a terrace. You can also make a gazebo or a recreation area in front of the bathhouse. You can sit there after you get pretty good.

Today it is very fashionable to build baths and visit them. Wealthy people are increasingly building Finnish saunas and even Japanese offro. But most Russians nevertheless prefer a traditional bathhouse with a steam room, only in it you can take a fame for a birch broom for glory .

It would seem that there are no difficult questions in the construction of the bathhouse. However, there are many nuances in this matter. You need to start with calculations and planning. The cost of the bath will depend on its size and materials for construction. Most often, baths are built in size 6×4 meters or 6×6 meters. You can, of course, less. This choice is individual for all. The bath must have a dressing room, steam room and washing. If you want, you can make a toilet and a shower cabin. If the size of the bath is small, then you can do without a dressing room. It is enough to make a small vestibule where you can undress and leave clothes.

The foundation for the bath is made depending on the type of soil in the summer cottage. On dry soil, flat stones can serve as a foundation. The bars of the future bath are laid on them. But such a simple option for the foundation is rarely used. Usually make a strip, column or pile foundation. It is the pile option that is suitable for complex soils.

The best material for the construction of a bath, of course, is a tree, namely logs or beam. These are environmentally friendly materials that maintain heat in the room and N is able to harm your health.

In the steam room, the shelves and the stove are necessarily made. Shelves can be small, only for sitting, or convenient to be linked to be legged out. To heat the air, the stove is usually used. As a rule, it is placed so that the container with heated water is in the sink, and the stove itself with hot stones – in the steam room.

The best to drown such a bath with wooden firewood. DIY built by the bathhouse will surely strengthen your health and delight loved ones. After the bathhouse, brew fragrant tea with currant leaves and rest, enjoying the purity of the body and the calmness of the soul.

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