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Home Crypt What materials are made of modern windows

What materials are made of modern windows

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Today, the market of window systems represents a variety of materials: aluminum, PVC, wood. Modern wood windows are different from the previous generation. Their composition was ennobled by glued beam, which took care of preventing the deformation of the window when changing moisture. Wood is constantly treated with antipyrene, which reduces its combustible properties. Today, wooden windows are the most expensive option for glazing the balcony and apartment. If you use the installation of aluminum profiles for the reconstruction of the balcony, then you will gain all the advantages in addition to maintaining heat. And all because it contributes to great thermal conductivity, and a degree within the balcony in the cold season will differ by only 3-5 degrees. An acceptable way to glaze a house is to install a profile from PVC. These plastic windows have a number of advantages: durability, not in demand in special care, aesthetic and environmentally friendly. If you choose a profile with the largest number of cameras (from 3 to 5), the more warm your balcony will become. The change of the old “carpentry” to the PVC windows will significantly lower heat loss in the house by 30%. Of course you can’t do it alone. If you want to make a full -fledged loggia, you simply must insulate the facade and side sides, but the main thing is not to forget about the ceiling and floor. It is necessary to use material that will not deteriorate soon, will not burn out or absorb moisture. Most experts use polystyrene as insulation, due to its efficiency. This material is not durable and has fragile properties, so do not follow anyone’s persuasion. An alternative can be mineral wool “ISOVER” or “URSA”. Supports foil is very well. This modern fraud in a thickness of 4 millimeters will provide you with the same warmth as a wall of one and a half brick. This hydraulic insulation material is a metallized polyethylene covered with a lavsan film. He confidently reflects ultraviolet and most importantly does not absorb moisture. An not unimportant element in the insulation and sealing of your house will serve as a sealant or special foam. The process of work can be subject to various joints and seams for which there will be a need for sealant. He will block humidity and prevent heat leakage. At the end will give the desired coziness of the heating of our loggia, because winter is unpredictable. In principle, you can do all this at will or necessity.

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