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Home The science The heir to Ferrari Enzo will be a hybrid

The heir to Ferrari Enzo will be a hybrid

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Oh, this Ferrari is the dream of many inhabitants of the planet Earth. Unfortunately, the inaccessible and unrealistic for most of them … but, let’s be generous and rejoice with potential buyers to release new models, because, these are truly works of automobile art! Here, for example, fans of the brand, impatiently, expect the emergence of the heir to the famous Ferrari Enzo. According to rumors – this will be a new sports flagship of the company. Unfortunately, the main technical characteristics, the manufacturer keeps a secret so far. Is it that information has leaked about the presence of a hybrid power plant. In addition, the supermine, being the successor of Enzo, should, in theory, preserve the main central motor package. Information appeared thanks to Autocar magazine, which refers to a fairly authoritative source in the person of the head of the enterprise Amedeo Felitsu, who does not deny, by the way, and testing some hybrid technologies. Auto experts also make assumptions that the novelty will be equipped with a KERS kinetic energy system, by analogy with Formula 1 car, and carbon will not be used in the power plant. The manufacturer plans to limit himself to aluminum, which should not affect the weight of the brainchild, but will significantly save. Fans hoped for the appearance of the product by the end of 2012, but the exact date is not yet known. Moreover, it is not known exactly and what the novelty will be called and in what quantity it will be released.

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