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Home Finance DIY engine engine repair with your own hands

DIY engine engine repair with your own hands

by newsplaces

Car owners of VAZ-2106 cars who do not want or are not able to pay a lot of money in car repair shops for the repair of the “heart” of their car, they can try to eliminate the engine malfunction on their own. Repairing with your own hands the VAZ-2106 engine, you will not only save the family budget, but you can also know your car better. One of the troubles that can be happened to your car is the engine overheating. The reasons can be different:

– the drive belt between the pump and the generator is weakened;

-The cooling system is not enough fluid;

-the outer surface of the radiator was polluted;

-problems in the thermostat;

-Cooling fluid pump broke.

To eliminate the reasons for overheating of the car engine, firstly, wipe the outer surface of the radiator, and secondly, add the coolant to the cooling system. If the system has not stopped heating, adjust the belt tension.

The belt is stretched between the pulleys of the generator (1), the pump (2) and the crankshaft (3).

To adjust the belt tension, it is necessary to check the deflection of “A” and “B”. Normally, the size of the deflection “A” is in the range of 10-15 mm, the value of the deflection “B” is 12-17 mm.

To pull the belt, if it is sagged, it should, weaken the mounting nuts, increase the belt tension, moving the generator from the engine for this. Then tighten the nuts again. Then, turn the crankshaft clockwise and check the tension level. Pulling the belt, do not overdo it, otherwise you can increase the load on the bearing of the generator.

If, after you adjusted the belt tension, overheating of the system continues to take place, pay attention to the thermostat.

The simplest check of the thermostat can be made without removing the part from the car. Run the cold engine, and when the temperature rises to 80-85 ° C, that is, the fluid temperature indicator does not reach the red zone approximately 3-4 mm, check if the lower pipe is heated by the radiator. At this temperature, it should be warm.

If the thermostat needs to be changed, you will remove the battery for ease of work. Do not forget that before changing the thermostat, the engine should be completely cooled. Through the hole for draining the cylinder block, drain a small part of the coolant. Disconnect the nozzles by loosening the screed of the three clamps of the mount, and remove the thermostat (the figure shows the cooling pipe fixed with a clamp). Install the new thermostat in the reverse order of removing the device. After installing the thermostat, do not forget to add the coolant.

To check whether the coolant pump is fixed, it is necessary to disassemble it. To do this, remove the lid from the pump body, fix it in a vice, as shown in the figure.

Using a puller a.40026 (1) Remove the impeller from the roller (2). Then remove the fan pulley hub, turn the screw and take out the bearing with the pump roller. Remove the oil seal from the lid of the case. If there is a large clearance in the bearing, you should change the part, but together with the new roller. The oil seal and gasket to the cylinder block is also better to replace with new details. Inspect the body and cover for the presence of cracks, chips – deformations are not allowed.

After replacing the parts, first of all, install the oil seal in the housing cover, then press the bearing with a roller. In this case, the hole in the cover of the pump housing should coincide with the socket screw nest. After you wrap the screw, put the hub of pulley and impeller on the roller. Between the pump housing and the impeller blades, the distance should be 0.9-1.3 mm. Combining the case with the lid, do not forget to install a new gasket between them.

After the prophylactic work performed, your motor will work as a clock.

All information about the tuning of the vase and other car models. On the Tuningtaza website you will find a lot of useful information about tuning VAZ 2106. Photos of car tuning, as well as news and articles of the car world

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