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Home The science Inexperienced driver driving a car

Inexperienced driver driving a car

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You had a great desire to have your own car, drive after his wheel, love it, your “toy” and, of course, the most important thing, to gain such desired independence, gaining your wheels. You bought a car and it is initially assumed that you have already acquired the initial driving skills in a car received in a driving school.

And then, finally, then, your beauty is under the window, and you have already managed to hit her several hundred kilometers. There is no limit to pleasure, you have grown at the wheel, confidently feel in the flow of cars and your soul is growing up that you have already learned everything, to drive a car “it’s so simple”!

A modern passenger car, which is as easy as a vacuum cleaner or a teapot, also has this. From here and stuck to inexperienced drivers, the offensive nickname “Text”. In this article, we will give some tips to such motorists who may help them gain experience in managing their cars.

Before the trip, be sure to look at your car, you can even ate it at ease. Pay attention to the condition of the tires, is there anything unusual in their state, whether there are deep cuts, like the tires are pumped up, whether the wheel costs vertically. Wheel nuts will be better if you yourself are not lazy and check it a day after driving, whether they are pulled. The average effort on the key handle will be enough to make sure of this. It is advisable to check the pressure in the tires monthly and bring it to normal.

A suspicious wheel inclination may indicate dangerous suspension malfunctions that may suddenly arise after driving along broken roads. The energy -intensive suspension and tires of a car perceive on themselves and extinguish all the blows from potholes on the road, so you can not always determine the degree of danger of the consequences of driving by irregularities.

Sometimes, if there is any suspicion, it is better to stop and inspect the car, look, if there is such an opportunity, under the front bumper and inspect the state of protection of the engine, suspension levers and brake hoses. Regular such inspection will develop the property of “visual memorization” and deviations from the usual state of nodes and assemblies, perhaps immediately, you will catch your eye. The same inspection is recommended in the engine compartment of the engine, with a periodic check of the oil level, cooling and brake fluids.

Believe me, even if you have a new car, such examinations will save you from many surprises on the road. Pay attention to the traces of the drones, in the place where the car stood, they, as a rule, differ in the appearance of the drones of ordinary water, and may talk about serious and even dangerous malfunctions.

If you have in the car, in addition to the mandatory – a first -aid kit, a fire extinguisher and an emergency sign, there will be a serviceable spare wheel, a cylinder key, a jack, a nylon cable and at least a minimum of the tool (screwdriver, plot), you will maintain a lot of nerve cells with elementary ones and the most frequently found malfunctions on the road.

During winter operation, it is better to change tires to winter without waiting unexpected as always, icing of the roadway, it must be remembered that the greatest accident rate occurs precisely at the first frosts and snowfalls. You can additionally put a tourist gas tile in a case or a gas spray with a burner in a car trunk. Things at first glance are useless, but they can provide invaluable help in frost with a malfunction or accident.

P. S. Now each driver can use a visual calculator of changes in speed indicators, this is a convenient online odometer error, when changing tires.

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