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Do not put the car “in the shade”

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“Wild” parking lots in the regional center have become so common that the owners leave their vehicles dubious personalities under honestly, without even requiring an elementary receipt. Thus, motorists encourage owners of the shadow security business to continue illegal activities.

At first glance, even unauthorized parking lots do a good deed: it becomes less – translated means. If this year 1,083 vehicles were stolen in Perm, then in the past their number decreased to 896. However, illegal parking lots are hung up and many dangers, especially in crisis times. You can recall the 90s, when in Perm almost all the sites on which transport was stored were in the hands of criminal groups. And from those who were in charge of conscientious entrepreneurs, a tribute was taken for “roofing”.

Of course, over time, this type of business gradually acquires legal forms, but for various reasons, not everyone wants to leave the shadows. Over the past year, only 112 illegal facilities were dismantled in Perm for the provision of car protection services. And how many of them are now? Maybe their places were taken by other enterprising people?

According to Olga Chesnova, the head of the Perm Administration Consumer Market, the main problem today is unauthorized parking lots in the courtyard areas, to which residents of apartment buildings are entitled. Although, according to the head of management, not all of them know about it. It is impossible to discount the fact that some residents themselves use the services of parking lots, which in this case cannot be called illegal, even if the registration certificate for the site is not issued. Now, if the parking lots occupy the municipal land, and their owners do not pay for rent, then sanctions are provided.

However, the city administration leads in this direction both explanatory and organizational work. To regulate disputes, a project is being developed on the creation of interdepartmental commissions, which will include specialists of district administrations that control and law enforcement agencies.

Since this year, the decision of the Perm City Duma approved a list of documents that should be executed so that the parking lot has the status of a legally organized. So that everything was within the framework of sanitary and construction standards and rules, a mandatory availability of a project for a parking lot was established. Now more than 300 have approved such projects in the city. By the way, this is not such an expensive pleasure – to organize a legal parking lot.

The preparation of the project will cost about 3 thousand. rubles. If the parking lot is on municipal land, then the conclusion of the contract per month will cost from 500 to 700 rubles per transport place, despite the fact that 80–100 rubles are taken per day for storing the car. Plus tax deductions. But some and these expenses seem excessive, they prefer to remain illegal immigrants, taking advantage of the gullibility of Perm motorists. True, many car owners give their vehicles for temporary storage, having insurance in their hands. But the insurance policy cannot give a guarantee that the parking lot is not organized, say, plundered scammers, the appearance of which is quite expected in our crisis time.

Few of car owners probably know that there is a decree “On approval of the rules for the provision of parking services”. And in it, in particular, it is written: “… during a one -time storage of a motor vehicle for storage, the consumer is obliged to present a document to the authorized employee certifying the acceptance of the vehicle for storage – a saved note, receipt, etc. P.”. If they knew, then they would not leave their “Lada” and foreign cars to the mercy of fate.

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